The art of selling consulting-intensive products: A guide for businesses

Selling consulting-intensive products can be a challenging task for businesses, as it requires effectively communicating the value and benefits to potential customers. However, with the right approach and understanding of your customers' needs, it's possible to successfully sell these products and establish your business as a trusted advisor. This guide aims to provide businesses with a comprehensive understanding of the art of selling complex products. It will cover key topics such as understanding your customer's needs, building trust and credibility, effectively communicating the value of the service, and leveraging technology and data to enhance the sales process. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, your business will be equipped with the tools it needs to successfully sell consulting-intensive products and drive revenue growth.

Michael Suitner
updated on
22 Feb

Challenges businesses face when selling complex products

Selling products which are out of the ordinary can be difficult for several reasons:

- Lack of understanding: Complex products often require a higher level of technical knowledge and understanding, which can make it difficult for potential customers to fully grasp the product's capabilities and benefits.

- Decision-making process: The purchasing process for complex products is often more involved and takes longer, as potential customers need to carefully consider the product's features and benefits, and weigh them against their specific needs and budget.

- Higher investment: Complex products often require a larger investment, both in terms of monetary cost and time commitment, which can make it difficult for potential customers to justify the purchase.

- Fear of change: Complex products may require changes in processes, operations, or systems within the customer's organization, which can lead to resistance to change and make it difficult to close the sale.

- Objections: Complex products often come with common objections, such as cost, implementation, and return on investment, which salespeople need to address in a professional and effective manner.

To overcome these challenges, businesses need to invest in understanding their customers' needs, building trust and credibility, effectively communicating the value of the product, addressing objections, and positioning their product in a way that makes it easy for potential customers to understand and justify the purchase.

Since these products often require a significant investment and commitment from the customer, it's important for the business to demonstrate their expertise and ability to deliver results. Overall, selling consulting-intensive products is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the customer's needs and problems and effective communication skills.

Understanding your customer's needs: Identifying the problem and positioning the product as a solution

One of the most important steps in selling consulting-intensive products is understanding your customer's needs. It takes time to get to know your target group, but ultimately it helps you to tailor a personal sales pitch to address their specific concerns and show them how your product can help them achieve their goals.

To understand your customer's needs, you can use a variety of methods such as conducting market research, speaking with current customers, or having a discussion with potential customers. This research should focus on understanding the customer's pain points, challenges, and goals.

 Once you have a clear understanding of your customer's needs, you can position your product as a solution to their problems. This means highlighting the specific features and benefits of your product, using case studies and testimonials to demonstrate how your product has helped other customers in similar situations. It's also important to create an offer to the customer's level of understanding, use simple terms and examples, and always be ready to answer any questions or concerns that they may have. By following the steps above, you can increase the likelihood of closing a sale and establish your business as a trusted partner.

Building trust and credibility: How to establish yourself as a trusted partner

Establishing trust and credibility is essential when selling consulting-intensive products, as these products often require a significant investment and commitment from the customer. A customer is more likely to invest in a product or service if they trust the company and the person they are dealing with.

Here are a few ways to establish yourself as a trusted partner:

- Demonstrate your expertise: Share your knowledge and experience in the field, and provide evidence of your past successes. Use case studies, testimonials, and data to demonstrate the effectiveness of your products or services.

- Be transparent and honest: Be upfront about what you can and can't do, and be honest about any potential challenges or limitations of your products.

 - Communicate effectively: Listen carefully to your customer's needs and concerns, and make sure that you understand their goals. Communicate in a clear and concise manner, using simple terms and examples.

 - Build a relationship: Take the time to get to know your customer and understand their business. Show them that you are genuinely interested in helping them achieve their goals, and that you are committed to building a long-term relationship.

 - Follow-through: Follow through on your commitments, and make sure that you deliver on your promises.

By building trust and credibility with your customers, you can establish yourself as a trusted advisor and increase the likelihood of closing a sale. It also helps to establish a long-term relationship with your customer, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Communicating the value of consulting: Highlighting the benefits and ROI of the product in B2B

Communicating the value of consulting is a crucial step in selling consulting-intensive products, especially in a B2B context. It's important to be able to effectively explain the benefits and ROI of the product to potential customers in a way that is easy for them to understand. 

One way to communicate the value of consulting is by highlighting the specific benefits of the product. For example, you could explain how the product will help the customer save money, increase efficiency, or attract more customers. You can also use case studies and testimonials to demonstrate how other customers have benefited from the product.

Another way to communicate the value of consulting is by emphasising the ROI (Return onInvestment) of the product. This means calculating the financial benefits of the product, such as cost savings, increased revenue, or improved profitability. By providing potential customers with a clear understanding of the financial benefits of the product, they will be more likely to invest init.

It's also important to be able to communicate the value of the consulting service in away that is relevant to the customer's specific situation. Tailor your message to their business, their industry and their goals.

Overcoming objections: Addressing common concerns and objections in the sales process

Objections are a common part of the sales process, and they can be a major obstacle to closing a sale. When selling consulting-intensive products, potential customers may have concerns about the cost, the impact on their current processes, or the possibility of resistance to change. It's important to be prepared to address these concerns and objections in a professional and effective manner.


Here are a few strategies for overcoming objections when selling consulting-intensive products:

- Acknowledge the objection: Show that you understand the customer's concern and that you are willing to address it.

- Provide evidence of success: Use case studies, testimonials, and data to demonstrate the effectiveness of your product and how it has helped other customers in similar situations.

- Address concerns about cost: Highlight the ROI (Return on Investment) of the product and explain how the cost will be offset by the benefits and savings.

- Address concerns about change: Explain how the product will improve their current processes and make them more efficient. Be prepared to address any resistance to change by providing a clear and compelling vision of the benefits of the product.

- Follow-up: Don't be afraid to follow-up after an objection. Make sure to address any concerns or questions the customer may have and offer additional information.

 - Qualify the lead: Make sure that the customer is a good fit for the product and that they are ready and willing to invest in it.

By addressing objections effectively and providing evidence of the value of your product, you can increase the likelihood of closing a sale and establish your business as a trusted advisor.

Leveraging technology and data: Using technology to enhance the sales process and make data-driven decisions


Leveraging technology and data can be a powerful tool for businesses when selling complex products. With the right technology and data analysis, businesses can streamline the sales process, make data-driven decisions, and gain a deeper understanding of their customers.


Here are a few ways that businesses can leverage technology and data to enhance the sales process and make data-driven decisions:

- CRM software: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can be used to track customer interactions, store customer data, and manage the sales pipeline. This can help businesses to identify potential leads and opportunities, and to follow up with customers more effectively.

- Marketing automation: Marketingautomation software can be used to automate repetitive tasks and to send targeted messages to potential customers. This can help businesses to increase their reach and to generate more leads.

- Data analysis: By analyzing data from customer interactions, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and their buying habits. This can help businesses to identify patterns and trends, and to make more informed decisions about how to approach potential customers.

- A/B testing: A/B testing can be used to test different sales strategies, messaging and materials, and optimize them for better results.

- Virtual and augmented reality: As technology advances, businesses can use virtual and augmented reality to showcase their products and services to potential customers in an immersive and interactive way.


By leveraging technology and data, businesses can streamline the sales process, make data-driven decisions, and gain a deeper understanding of their customers.This can help businesses to increase their reach and to generate more leads, ultimately leading to more sales and revenue growth.

Storytelling and case studies: Using storytelling to illustrate the effectiveness of the product

Storytelling and case studies are powerful tools that can be used to illustrate the effectiveness of consulting-intensive products. By weaving together a narrative that highlights the problem the customer is facing and how the product solves it, you can make a powerful connection with your audience and help them see the value of the product.

Collect stories from customers who have used your product and have seen positive results. Share these stories on your website, in your sales pitch, and through social media.

Create case studies that show the specific benefits of your product and how it has helped other customers in similar situations. Make sure to include details such as the customer's problem, the solution, and the results.

Incorporate storytelling into your sales pitch by highlighting the problem the customer is facing and how your product solves it. Use simple language and real-life examples to make the story relatable to the customer.

Use data visualization to tell a story with data, and make it easy to understand the results and benefits of using the product.

By using storytelling and case studies, businesses can effectively illustrate the effectiveness of consulting-intensive products and increase the likelihood of closing a sale. This approach also helps to establish a long-term relationship with the customer, as they can see the value of the product and the benefits it can bring to their business.

The future of selling consulting-intensive products: Trends and predictions in the industry

The consulting industry is constantly evolving, and it is important for businesses that sell consulting-intensive products to stay aware of the latest trends and predictions in the industry. We have gathered a few trends and predictions for the future of selling consulting-intensive products:

- Increased use of technology: Technology is expected to play an increasingly important role in the consulting industry, from automating repetitive tasks to providing new ways to interact with customers. Businesses that sell consulting-intensive products will need to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and use it to enhance their sales process.

- Greater focus on data and analytics: Businesses will be increasingly focused on using data and analytics to make more informed decisions about their customers and their sales strategy. This will require businesses to have a strong understanding of data analysis and visualization techniques.

- Increased use of virtual and augmented reality: Virtual and augmented reality are expected to become more important in the consulting industry. Businesses that sell consulting-intensive products will need to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and use it to showcase their products and services in an immersive and interactive way.

 - Greater emphasis on sustainability: Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for businesses, and consulting firms are no exception. Businesses that sell consulting-intensive products will need to have a strong understanding of sustainability and be able to demonstrate how their products can help customers achieve their sustainability goals.

- More demand for niche expertise: As the consulting industry becomes more competitive, businesses that sell consulting-intensive products will need to focus on providing niche expertise in order to differentiate themselves from the competition.


By staying aware of these trends and predictions, businesses that sell consulting-intensive products can adapt to the changing industry and stay competitive in the future.

The importance of understanding your customer, building trust, and effectively communicating the value of consulting-intensive products.

Selling complex consulting-intensive products can be a challenging task for businesses, but by understanding your customer's needs, building trust and credibility, and effectively communicating the value of the product, businesses can increase their chances of closing a sale and establishing themselves as a trusted partner. 

Understanding your customer's needs is critical to the sales process. By identifying the problems or challenges that the customer is facing, and positioning your product as a solution to those problems, you can tailor your sales pitch to address their specific concerns and show them how your product can help them achieve their goals.

Building trust and credibility is essential when selling consulting-intensive products.A customer is more likely to invest in a product or service if they trust the company and the person they are dealing with. Demonstrating your expertise, being transparent and honest, communicating effectively and building a relationship with the customer can help to establish trust and credibility.

Effectively communicating the value of consulting is also a crucial step in selling complex products. By highlighting the specific benefits of the product and emphasizing the ROI, businesses can help potential customers understand the value of the product and make an informed decision.

Finally, it's important to adapt to the new trends and predictions in the industry, such as leveraging technology and data, using storytelling, and focusing on niche expertise. By staying aware of these trends, businesses can adapt to the changing industry and stay competitive in the future.